Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Obama at dinner for Obama

I get more and more confused every day.

The Times reports (Obama Returns to Harlem to Attend a Lucrative Fund-Raiser) that our President of the Unilateral War Declaration 'returned to Harlem as the nation's first African-American president, and for a $30,800-a-person fund-raiser'. The party was held at the Red Rooster restaurant, so we assume everybody got some grub for their trouble. This guy... this first African-American president... is rapidly becoming an embarrassment. His failure to protect Brad Manning from the tortures being inflicted daily is the last straw for me. And I still think he's impeachable for his role in getting us into another war without the consent of Congress.

Good News! I'm looking out our dining room window, south, and I see blue sky! Bright white clouds! A walk out onto the porch proves it... it's not raining! Now I'm sorry I threw out my sunglasses. I'll be at RiteAid to get sunscreen as soon as they open this morning.

More from the Times...the best op-ed piece they've run in a long time. Mark Bittman writes 'Why We're Fasting'. An explanation of why he has joined '...around 4000 other people in a fast to call attention to Congressional budget cuts in programs for the poor and hungry'.

Mark is/has been a food critic/chef. As he says, "I surprised myself; after all, I eat for a living". But he nails it in this column... questioning the sanity and humanity of people who can cut WIC and Food Stamp funding, knowing that 18,000,000 million Americans, including millions of children, already suffering the stresses of poverty and social humiliation, will now go to bed hungry as well. And Obama spends $500,000,000 million to bomb Libya?
Are we making sense here? I hope you'll read Mark's column, and then channel your outrage in a constructive manner. It's our only hope.

"The ordinary mind is the ceaselessly shifting and shiftless prey of external influences, habitual tendencies, and conditioning; the masters liken it to a candle flame in an open doorway, vulnerable to all the winds of circumstance". Sogyal Rinpoche


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