"Not causing harm requires staying awake.
Part of being awake is slowing down enough to notice what we say and do.
The more we witness our emotional chain reactions and understand how they work, the easier it is to refrain. It becomes a way of life to stay awake, slow down, and notice." Pema Chodron
William Rivers Pitt (www.truth-out.org/the-new-American-dream68847) does an interesting essay... it's another way to define the 'them and us' that is happening despite my best efforts. "If you are wealthy, you are living in the Golden Age of your American Dream, and it's a damned fine time to be alive. The two major political parties are working hammer and tong to bless you and keep you...." Worth a few minutes to consider just how badly we've gotten off track in this country.
Speaking of off the track... It's time to impeach Obama. He unilaterally committed us to another war. No consult with the Congress, which is one of those little things the constitution requires of the American CEO. What is it about that job that drains common sense from otherwise good people? We've spent half a billion dollars in Libya (mostly for missiles and stuff), and the tab runs up at maybe $50 million per day. And when will we see the first of the American casualties? So now the Times will list deaths in 3 categories... Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya. Who's next? Yemen? What an unholy mess we are, and Obama is certainly not helping with his ego-driven madness. Thus I've recommended his impeachment, which I hope happens soon. Joe, get ready to Man Up!
Some advice for Obama from Shantideva:
When one intends to move or speak,
One should first examine one's own mindd
and then act appropriately with composure.
I'm not much for prayer, but a few more rainy gloomy days like this one and I may start. Namaste.
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